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Joyà: Functional Foods Reinvented


A few months back, I was introduced to Joyà, an incredible brand that creates functional foods: elixirs, teas and chocolates. They’re not only nourishing, plant-based and sustainably sourced, they’re all packaged in an effort to minimize waste. It only makes sense that if we’re purchasing products in order to sustain our health and well-being, then another focus should also be on the sustainability of the products, their production processes and the impact they’re having on the environment. 

Reduce & Reuse 

Joyà’s teas and elixirs come in either a tin or beautiful Miron Violet glass jar: both are reusable and recyclable, and refill pouches are 100% compostable. 

In recent years, the need to be more sustainably responsible has become more apparent than ever. Plants, animals, humans, the ocean, the air; we’re all suffering due to our constant neglect of Mother Earth. That’s just one of the many reasons why supporting brands that make sustainability a main priority throughout all aspects of their company is so important. Thank you Joyà for being one of those companies! 

What’s Inside?

Not only are Joyà’s sustainability practices impressive, their products are just as remarkable. Each ingredient is carefully selected for it’s nourishing properties to create nutrient-dense functional foods. Special care is taken in sourcing the highest quality ingredients; sustainably grown and wild-crafted. My personal favorite is the Bliss elixir. It’s a delicious and blissful blend of raw cacao to help elevate your mood and combat free radicals. Adaptogenic Reishi is used to help support mental clarity and calmness, as well as to preserve overall health and longevity. 

Functional Foods for Summer Soothing

It’s been quite warm here in Los Angeles the past couple of weeks, so I’ve been enjoying incorporating more smoothies and smoothie bowls into my daily routine. I’m not big on sweets, so indulging in a creamy nutrient-rich smoothie satisfies my ice cream cravings perfectly, especially when it involves peanut butter and chocolate. This has been my go-to recipe….Enjoy!


Blissful Peanut Butter Smoothie


Place all ingredients in a high-speed blender or food processor and Voila! If you’re using frozen bananas you’ll need less ice. Add more liquid accordingly. 

We all have the opportunity to make more mindful and sustainable choices with every purchase we make. What are some of your favorite functional foods and sustainable brands? I’d love to hear about them, so send me an email!




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